
Using Guided Conversations in Spanish Class
Guided conversations provide a scaffolded framework for students to converse in Spanish. They support performance by letting you stay focused on your curriculum, themes and grammar points, while also working towards building students’ proficiency. Learn more in this guest post from Jamie at Specialty Spanish!

The Best Vocabulary Activities for Spanish Class
Matching worksheets are neither the most effective nor the most engaging way to teach vocabulary in the global language classroom. Here are five alternatives you can try instead!
3 Strategies for Setting Clear Expectations
Before students can begin to feel confident that they are capable of meeting our expectations, they have to be clear about just what those expectations are. Here are three ways to make sure your students can aim for a bullseye, every time!
6 Ways to Set Your Students Up for Success
Nothing breeds confidence like success. Anytime our students accomplish something they feel proud of, they give themselves concrete proof of everything they are capable of. Here are six specific strategies we can use to help create opportunities for students to be successful in our classes.
Five Ways To Develop Relationships in Your Classroom
By building relationships with our students, not only do we gain the opportunity to talk to them explicitly about the strengths we see in them, but we are also implicitly communicating that we believe they are worth getting to know, and you never know how much that might mean to a student.
6 Strategies for Creating a Comfortable Classroom Environment
In order for students to feel confident, they first have to know that the classroom is a safe place. These six strategies will help you cultivate a warm and welcoming classroom environment.
How To Help Your Students Feel More Confident
Our students are more anxious than ever, but fortunately, there are some concrete things that we, as educators, can do to help them feel more confident in the classroom. This post is the first of a series presenting techniques for boosting student confidence. By the end of the series, you’ll have twenty different strategies you can implement to help your students feel more confident!
How to Create Differentiated Assessments Without Losing Your Sanity (and Why You Should!)
Differentiated assessments give us a more accurate and complete picture of our students’ current proficiency level. These strategies will help you create differentiated assessments in a streamlined and efficient manner.

How to Make Students Love Writing in Spanish
When I was in my second semester of teaching, I had a class that LOVED to write. Every time I gave them an in-class activity or homework assignment that involved writing, they sprang to life, eager to let their imaginations run wild. They loved writing so much that we...
Why Scissors Are A Language Teacher’s Best Friend
I really, really hate cutting things out. There are so many reasons why it's awful: It takes's about as exciting as mindlessly filling in verb charts. (If you're still using this as a pedagogical strategy, please check out this talk from Bill...