by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Environment, Teaching Strategies
Before students can begin to feel confident that they are capable of meeting our expectations, they have to be clear about just what those expectations are. Here are three ways to make sure your students can aim for a bullseye, every time!
by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Environment, Teaching Strategies
By building relationships with our students, not only do we gain the opportunity to talk to them explicitly about the strengths we see in them, but we are also implicitly communicating that we believe they are worth getting to know, and you never know how much that might mean to a student.
by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Environment, Teaching Strategies
In order for students to feel confident, they first have to know that the classroom is a safe place. These six strategies will help you cultivate a warm and welcoming classroom environment.
by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Environment, Teaching Strategies
Our students are more anxious than ever, but fortunately, there are some concrete things that we, as educators, can do to help them feel more confident in the classroom. This post is the first of a series presenting techniques for boosting student confidence. By the end of the series, you’ll have twenty different strategies you can implement to help your students feel more confident!
by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Activities, Classroom Environment, Having Fun
Or, how to start the year off right in a foreign language class Do you ever have one of those moments where you plan the best activity ever for your class, and it falls completely flat because your students would literally rather die than participate? No? Just me? Am...
by La Profesora Inspiradora | Classroom Environment
I get it. We all hate looking ridiculous. It’s part of the reason I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a blog for years, but am only just now writing my first post. Will anyone read it? Do I even want them to? What will they think? Will anyone find my...